Taking a chance is not something that I find to be very appealing. In fact, nine times out of ten, I am going to say no to risky adventures and pick a nice Nicholas Sparks book or a Pixar movie combined with a delicious bowl of salty popcorn and my bed. It's safe for me. And trust me, I love my safety zone. But being in college has taught me that "playing it safe" is NOT how you're going to get through life.
Life is about taking chances or risks, and I think it's time that you and me both start accepting that.
Switching it up is a good thing, trust me. It's how you grow and evolve and better yourself. Who knows? You could find something that you're really talented at by taking a chance. You could discover a new hobby or interest by taking that opportunity that's different from your usual preference.
I know what you're thinking. "Here we go again, another person telling me that I need to change and not be so comfortable."
I'm not here to tell you to go and take gigantic steps towards becoming a new person. I'm simply suggesting that it's okay to make some small changes here and there before you're fully ready to take that big step.
For example, say you go to Starbucks every day (because coffee is just necessary to survive, right?). Alright, so you walk in and there's your favorite barista with that same smile she has on her face every Monday at roughly 7:30am, and when she sees you she says, "Hey so and so, want the usual?" And sometimes it's okay to say yes.
But next time, your response should go a little something like this (a theatrical reading would be best here, just an fyi); "NO! I don't want a venti caramel iced coffee with soy milk! I want that purple and blue concoction that you call a Unicorn Frappuccino!" And when she answers you with a puzzled look, "Are you sure?" You say, "Why not?" And then stand there looking triumphant.
Okay, so that might've been a little dramatic, but I think you get my point.
It's not about one day out of the blue deciding to go skydiving out of a plane at 13,000 feet above the ground, or getting into a shark tank in the middle of the coast of Florida (well, okay I'd definitely take this one). It's simply about mixing up your daily routine every now and then. Yes, routines are good. They help keep you grounded and on track, but they can also turn you into a total snooze-fest (no offense).
So don't be nervous to be that person. Don't be anxious to do something different. Step out of your zone once in awhile. A little refresher will do you some good. Even if it's simply changing up your order, the store you shop at, or climbing the rope ladder instead of watching someone else do it.
Don't be afraid to say, "Why not?"