The word "retarded" can be defined as less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
A second definition given by googling the word "retarded" is very foolish or stupid. But what does "retarded" actually mean to millennials today? And why is has its use been such a long-term problem?
Many people use the word "retarded" as a substitution for a word essentially meaning "stupid." There is obviously no real reason why people can't say the word "stupid" instead of "retarded," but somehow it more than frequently happens anyway.
Inappropriate use of the word "retarded," in my personal encounters, are usually unintentional.
It is more of a "muscle memory" type use of the word, similar to how people start cursing if they were to feel a great deal of immediate pain. Essentially, people don't always mean to say it, but they do anyway.
You're probably wondering at this point, why should I try to stop saying "retarded"? Well, blatantly, whether a person is born with ten toes o 12, white skin or black, mentally disabled or healthy, that is who they are. You cannot control certain things about how you present yourself on this Earth. So to use a derogatory term that separates ourselves from other human beings, especially in settings that are inappropriate or not necessary, it can be seen as shameful to ourselves.
I was originally going to title this article "To Any Millennial Still Saying 'Retarded' Please Stop." However, I added in the "Try to" because I understand how hard it is to stop using a word that is so frequently used in your daily vocabulary. So after reading this article, I understand that you still might use the word "retarded," even if you don't mean to.
But if you even make a more conscious effort to try to stop using the word "retarded," and realize that as people we need to accept everyone for who they naturally are and not be derogatory, you are doing a small justice for yourself.