So, this is it. After three years, the famous seven second video sharing app that brought us classics like "look at all those chickens" and "freakin' bats" is coming to an end. For many, this is a devastating loss. I remember in high school when it first came out. My friends and I would experiment making scare cam videos and doing the famous cinnamon challenge. Half of my sentences consist of "have you seen that vine?" or "that reminds of that one vine." I would sit in my room for hours alone or with friends dying laughing at even some of the dumbest videos. This app has brought me so much joy and I hate to see it go. Vine will now be a thing in the past, just like Myspace and AIM. Here are some of the must see vines before they're gone.
EntertainmentNov 07, 2016
18 Must-Watch Vines As We Say Farewell
"Do it for the vine" will now be a thing of the past.