"Please understand, I have been waiting to leave ever since I figured out there were roads willing to take me anywhere I wanted to go."
Here I am sitting in the room I grew up in for the first time in four months.The room that houses so many fond memories. The room that was my sanctuary. The room in the house that's all I've ever known. The roads I'd drive every single day; to school, to my boyfriend's, bestfriend's houses, favorite restaurants and malls seemed like second nature.
In August, August 10th to be exact, I said goodbye to my little bubble of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania and moved to the unfamiliarity of Tampa, Florida. Little did I know at that moment, I made one of the best decisions of my life. I can't sit here and lie and say moving almost 1,000 miles from all you've ever known and the people you love is easy, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth it. Of course I miss the people I left behind, but that doesn't mean I miss the place.
"If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet."
Who knew one city, in one semester of college, could have such a large impact on my life. Tampa has challenged me to grow into a more independent, mindful, mature, and cultured human being in such a short amount of time. Being able to branch out and experience new perspectives, new cultures, and new ways of life is refreshing and definitely something lil ole' Saxonburg could've never given me. Because of Tampa, I'm not the same girl that left Pennsylvania.
To say I grew up sheltered and uncultured, not because of my mom sheltering me, but because of where I lived, is an understatement. I grew up going to a relatively small school where everyone knew everyone, your mom went to high school with your bestfriends dad, blah, blah, blah. Where everyone has the same mindset, a very close-minded one at that. A place that seemed as though people never left, for whatever reason I couldn't figure out why. Being away has made me grateful for the town that shaped me, but also even more grateful that I had the opportunity to leave.
I've accepted the realization that Saxonburg just doesn't feel like home to me anymore.
Here's to new cities, new experiences, new friendships, and a new life.