This past Saturday, I had to say goodbye to my other half. No, not some high school boyfriend whom I have been dating for three years and known for at least ten. My other half is my twin sister, Sarah.
Now before you ask, we are the type of twins where you wonder if they are truly related, or if one of us was switched at birth. Specifically, if I was switched at birth. Sarah and I are total opposites in everything. In looks, personalities and even in what flavor ice cream we like. Even though we are very different, we are best friends. We have done everything together, whether it be in sports like field hockey or softball, or in the classroom.
The one thing I never saw coming was us going to separate colleges. Sarah and I are now sophomores at two universities around two hours apart from each other. She plays Division II softball at her university and is quite busy, and I am a Biology major which means I am usually studying a lot. It is definitely hard not being able to see the one person you shared a bedroom with for the past 19 years, but FaceTime is a wonderful invention. To anyone else who is leaving a sister, brother or even a twin like me, do not be anxious. As much fun as it is to be together, being separated helps you grow as a person and sibling.
Since I had an automatic best friend throughout my childhood, I was usually never nervous coming into a new school year. I could never be a true "loner" because I always had at least one person on my side. Freshmen year of college was different when I packed up half my clothes (and, well, some of her clothes too), it hit me. I was truly going to be alone. I was not going to have that one constant in my life and when my family dropped off Sarah, first reality set in.
The dreaded moment arrived but when I entered college, no one knew Sarah. Which in some way was a relief. I have not compared to her anymore or teachers wouldn't accidentally call me Sarah during class. I learned to simply just be Megan.
So overall do I miss Sarah? Yes, but I have learned so much more about myself. I learned to be more independent and to value the time when we are together. So whenever the time comes for you to leave a sibling don't worry; everything will all work out. And if not, there is always winter break!
Here is a picture of Sarah and I, as you can see we do not even look related!