Kissing our small town goodbye is a sign of maturity and confidence. Whether it's saying goodbye to that boutique you visit every Tuesday (even though the merchandise never changes), Wal-Mart parking lot or those old dirt roads you hit every weekend as you blare FGL is bitter sweet.
Nannies "taters" and meatloaf look just as good on FaceTime when your cousins include you during family dinners.
Papa still hasn't finished his old car, and, well, dad still hasn't checked the mail.
Some things never change, but changing street addresses, cities and states is a HUGE deal. Saying goodbye to your small town is okay, and here is why.
1. Responsibility
You learn that you can do it on your own, and somebody isn't next door to help you. (Unless you have a family like mine, and they're just a phone call away)
2. Friendships
Not only are you testing your friends back home to see if they still make an effort, but you're opening up yourself to a whole new world. New people are everywhere you look. You will be making friendships and memories to last a lifetime!
3. Appreciation
You will appreciate the little things your hometown has to offer when you visit. (And I don't mean short Wal-Mart lines and cheap burgers.)
4. Education
Everywhere you move or visit is an educational experience. You'll be learning something new every time you walk outside!
Coming back to visit your hometown is a special thing but so is leaving.
Coming back means four wheeler riding and dirt roads, laughing because your neighbors still have Christmas lights up, relaxing with a cold one as you lay on the float in party cove, knowing that when the city gets busy you'll always have a place to call home.