When I woke up this morning, I woke up to a mantra that I expect to be shouted and chanted in the weeks to come as a reaction to Donald Trump winning the election:
“God is still in control”
“I’m not worried about nothin’”
“Y’all better learn how to not put your trust in man, but in Jesus,”
And I agree; I understand that God is the author and the finisher of my faith and that nine times out of ten he knew Trump would be in office…but if I can be human and live in the real world for a second:
Saying that and believing in it, does not change the fact that MILLIONS of people in this country are afraid. There are people who don’t believe in God or Jesus; what comfort does that phrase give them?
I am a firm believer that God ALWAYS sends his people warnings; he tried to warn the people during the time of Noah, he tried to warn Pharaoh and the Egyptians, he tried to warn the Jews that if they didn’t turn from their wicked ways, bad things would happen.
This entire election season has been a warning, but we didn’t listen.
Today, while in the deepest parts of my mind and emotions, I believe and understand that God is in control, I am hurt, I am afraid, and dammit, I’m angry. Today, I cannot spew out the mantra of “God is in control”, because am I really supposed to believe that God was in control when we as a country elected (because Jesus did NOT cast a ballot yesterday!) Donald Trump, a racist, xenophobic, hatemongering, sexual predator as President of the United States? Let’s not forget his running mate Mike Pence who is just as racist, anti-women, anti-LGBT as they come.
You REALLY wanna tell me that God is essentially responsible for that duo running the richest and most powerful country in the world?
*side eye*
Today, I weep and mourn for the people who don’t have faith and hope in Jesus. Today, I mourn for the 11 MILLION Illegal Immigrants who now fear that they will be brutally ripped away from their families and this great country that they love. Today, I weep for the LGBT community, who are now governed by a Vice President who believes that shock therapy will “cure the gay”. I weep for the uterus of every single woman in America because it is no longer yours. I weep because soon enough, rape will be legal in this country. I weep for the Muslim Americans who are now faced with the fear of having to denounce their faith to keep them from being a target of the racists Whites who believe that all Muslims are bad people. I weep for the Latinos who will now have to hear the chant of “Build a Wall” and racial slurs and stereotypes about Latinos, even if they are American citizens.
I weep for the Black community because we could potentially have a Secretary of State who wishes to enforce Stop and Frisk, which was deemed as UNCONSTITUTIONAL. If you thought that the number of unarmed Blacks who were killed was high, imagine the number when Stop and Frisk is put into action.
I weep for the 20 MILLION people who had health insurance through Obamacare, because their security of not having to go bankrupt just to buy medicine or because they get cancer is gone. It wasn’t perfect, but for the first time in American HISTORY, EVERYONE had the right and access to healthcare.
Most of all, I fear for this country as a whole, because we can almost guarantee that trade will be DOWN (the down was down by the HUNDREDS last night), which will lead to another recession and or depression, and a terrorist attack is sure to come within Trump’s presidency, and you can look for it to be WORSE than 9/11.
Trump is the FIRST president who has NEVER been in politics. He said he knows more about Isis than Generals in the United States Military…let that sink in. This man, who has ZERO knowledge of military and has NEVER served, is now more knowledgeable than people who have devoted their LIVES to serving this country? How Sway, tell me how!? Not only is this fool now the leader of the free world, but all three Branches of Government are controlled by republicans. Most of the republicans in the House and Senate have been there for the last 8 years. In those 8 years, they have pushed against EVERYTHING President Obama has tried to do. Also, there are 2 potential seats open on the U.S. Supreme Court. Anybody know what this means?
If you don’t let me tell you; you can expect a LOT of major court cases to be overturned like:
-Same-Sex Marriage
-Roe v. Wade
-Affirmative Action
These three rulings affect women, people of color and the LGBT community. If you are part of one or all three, you should be afraid.
Yes, I am angry, but I am also sad and very, very afraid. With the choice this country made last night, it became 100 percent clear to me that ALL LIVES DO NOT MATTER. The only lives that matter in this country are the White ones. If you think I’m lying, go look at the demographics for Trump versus Clinton. Trump won BIG in the South, Among Educated and Uneducated Whites, White Women, Young White People, Old White People, White Evangelicals.
Last night, White people took back their country, and that scares the hell out of me.
So today, kindly miss me with that “God is in Control” mantra. You can quote it at me tomorrow, or in the next 4 years when Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren, or Michelle Obama is in office.
Today, I am DONE with America...