Growing up we never want to be told "no" by our parents or authority figures in our life. We want to always have the green light, be told yes without having the word "no" cross peoples minds. As we get older we soon begin to learn that sometimes being told no is alright like "no, you don't need to drive on the ice" or "no you and your sister don't need to be doing that."
Hearing the word no from others in my opinion helps set you up to hear the greatest no of your life, rejection. No one in there right mind wants to be rejected. no one likes the knife to the gut feeling of someone telling you that they just don't need you for the job, in there life or to partake in life with them in general.
The very definition of reject is: to refuse to accept. How does that make you feel? me personally, not great. Now you may be thinking to yourself why on earth are you taking time to have such a negative article? well my dear friends, I personally just experienced rejection and the fresh burn from it is still beat red. No this is not my first rejection from friends or a job but this is the first one where I have looked at it as an opportunity and not a defeat.
All though the definition of rejection is to refuse to accept that is probably the most lemons into lemonade phrase I have ever heard. Yes you were not a perfect match for that job or person but that does NOT mean YOU are not PERFECT! Rejection is apart of life. its a way to toughen our skin and encourage us to do better and seek greater things. You are a wonderfully perfect person and just because you didn't receive the job you thought was perfect doesn't mean the perfect job is not out there.
Don't give up. Let me write that again to remind myself, DO NOT give up. the best is yet to come. Just because you can't see what lies beyond the mountain, doesn't mean the climb up the mountain just might be where you find the perfect place to camp.
Rejection is not something we role the red carpet out for. we don't post about it on social media and we for sure don't go around bragging about it. rejection is the tough life lesson we all face eventually and more often than not it will hurt hearing no just as much as it did as a kid. Do I like the idea of rejection? No. But, am I thankful I experience it to shape me into a young women who can take on anything? Heck Yes!