While skimming through Medium online, I came across Charlie Ambler's article entitled "Say Thank You." In short, it is all about remembering to be thankful for every single day we have, what we have, who we have and moments we have. It reminds us to be thankful to nature and our creator. It's about being something bigger than ourselves, and how everything above is based off of gratitude. Be thankful for a little and you will have a lot.
After reading that article, I realized how right he was. Our daily lives should be centered around giving thanks. Everyone has someone or something in their life to thank for, and without giving thanks to that person or things, we will never truly appreciate all that we have. Meister Eckhart said, "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” And he is absolutely correct. Gratitude is the boundary of everything in this life we have. Gratitude brings people together, centers the crazed and excites the timid. It comforts every being.
Gratitude has the ability to shift us to much higher frequencies, which in turn, help us attract great things. "In saying thank you, we give ourselves some time each day to exit subjectivity," (Charlie Ambler). By doing this, we are allowing our souls to have time to release the negativity to provide space for positivity. This sense of clarity establishes a firmer ground for more heightened senses of gratitude to step in. The more grateful you are, the more present you become.
I encourage you to find gratitude in your everyday life. Be thankful for the computer or phone you are reading this on and for the people who pay for the electricity it consumes. Be thankful for your eyes that are able to read this. Be thankful for the ability to move your hand to click "share." Be thankful that you woke up this morning. Be thankful that you are not alone. Most importantly, be thankful that you are here, because every single day is a true blessing and should be treated as such.
Remember, gratitude changes everything.