I stumbled across a quote the other day while scrolling through the Internet. It was something along the lines of starting to say "thank you" to those you have relationships with instead of saying "I'm sorry". I know I am someone who is guilty of constantly apologizing for things that do not seem to need an apology.
I always struggled with not wanting to let people down, and I constantly worried that I could have done something wrong to hurt someone I love. The words "I'm sorry" have become overused in our society today, and they are thrown around with little meaning behind them. When I read this quote the other day, it really gave me a new perspective.
Say "thank you", instead of "I'm sorry".
Say "Thank you for waiting for me" instead of "I'm sorry I'm late".
Say "Thank you for taking care of me" instead of "I'm sorry I'm sick".
Say "Thank you for making me happy" instead of "I'm sorry for always feeling down".
Just say thank you. Show the people you love you appreciate them instead of apologizing for things that are beyond your control. We all know too well that life happens, often in the most unexpected ways. Let it become habit this new year to say "thank you" in place of "I'm sorry". Let it change your outlook on life and yourself.
So thank you for reading and listening, and just know that I am not sorry anymore.