GMOs or otherwise known as "genetically modified organisms" is when the DNA of an organism has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering. Genetic modification of foods is used throughout the world because it reduces the use of pesticides and creates long lasting produce. The main reason farmers use GMOs is because of the increase in profits. Genetic modification seems like a great tool to use, but GMO foods can actually cause harm to your kidneys and heart. Genetically modified foods include corn, grapefruit, papaya, soy and much more. For example, grapefruit is a cross between a sweet orange and pomelo.
Around 60 countries (including Australia and Japan) have restricted or banned GMOs. GMOs have pros such as virus tolerance, nutrient enhancement and insect resistance. The list of positives continues, but GMOs do not only cause harm to your body, but to the environment as well. These are unnatural and can kill off livestock. Also, the allergy rate has increased because if a protein from an organism that caused an allergic reaction is added to something that did not in the past, it may create a new allergic reaction. The long-lasting effects of GMO foods are unknown, which is alarming as well.
GMOs are a debatable topic and it is up to the consumers discretion on whether or not they agree with the use of it. If GMOs are something you want to avoid, then definitely make sure your produce states "GMO-free" or "USDA organic." You can also grow organic produce on your own.