In life you only get a select number of opportunities to take chances. These chances range from HUGE and LIFE ALTERING to just a fun event to experience. These chances can also mean saying something to someone so they know how you feel. This could be before they go away to school, military or move away. It could also be taking the chance to tell someone before they pass on what they truly mean to you. There’s a song by the Mowgli’s called, “Say it Just Say it”, its intriguing to think about what people’s lives might be like if they would just say it.
There are a lot of small chances in life that people almost always choose to take. The chance such as to see their favorite artist perform for the first time, or go to a midnight movie premier for a hugely anticipated movie, or even as small as taking the chance to try a new food. These are chances that most everyone on the planet don’t take more than a few seconds to think about, they do not really change your way of living all too much. If you take more than a couple minutes in deciding to take the chance at seeing your favorite artists “chances” are that you probably don’t like them as much as you or the tickets are just too damn expensive.
There are chances that are a little harder to take in life and they are also rarer than a concert or movie. These are the chances that only come around a couple times in your life and have a greater effect on it as well. The chance to take a job with really good pay and hours, a chance to go to a great college to better your future, or a chance to go on a trip that you will remember for the rest of your life. These chances take more thought out time and a lot of time have greater costs if you choose to take them. To go with the examples I just said, if you take the job it could mean giving up more of your freedom with your family or friends, going to your dream school could mean saying goodbye to a relationship or friendships, and taking the trip of your dreams could mean losing your job and or setting you back with the financial cost of it all. No matter the set backs you can not stay stagnant in your life as is it is, but you must take the chance to a opportunity that does not come around very often.
The last set of chances that you can will most likely come across in your life are those HUGE and LIFE ALTERING chances. These are the chances that, in some cases, you will look back and wish you would’ve taken if you do not choose to do so. These are the chances when you have the opportunity to say goodbye to a loved or an estranged family member for the last time before they pass on, or look someone in the eyes and telling them how you truly feel about them. The chance to see a family member or a close loved one should always be taken, no matter what. You two might be estranged but to pass up on that chance to say that you forgive them and that you love them will always cause a huge regret in your life. It could hinder you in your life immensely in the future. The chance to tell someone what they truly mean to you comes around only a few times in your life. Whether they feel the same or not you have to be honest with them and yourself and take that chance to say that you like beyond what is already develop or that you have fallen in love with them. I know for a fact that if you pass up on chances like this it will hinder you for the rest of your life, because there will always be that “what if” feeling in your mind/heart of what might have been.
Chances themselves range from minimal to all out “heart beating out of your chest” scary, but they are worth taking. They are worth the experiences and stories that can come from them. They are worth the sighs of relief knowing you said what was on your mind for better or for worse. So next time a chance to say or do something comes up in your life, take a deep breath and just say/do it.