I am seriously broke. Like can't-afford-a-sandwich broke. I have a job that pays $8.00 an hour that's not quite allowing me to live my best life, so time to make some life adjustments and become more financially responsible. Here's how I'm going to save money this semester:
1. Budget
The word alone makes me want to roll my eyes; not sure if that's because I don't want to face my own purchases or if I don't feel like doing the math. First, I'm going to add up the money I'll be making from my job every month, then subtract money for food, then divide by four to get how much spending money I have every week.
2. Pick up more shifts at the Writing Center
I seriously LOVE being a writing center tutor, but last semester was my first semester doing it so I only worked five shifts/week. Now that I feel more capable and confident in my position I want to do more of it and it'll help me out financially! It's a win-win!
3. Go to the school cafeteria more
There are so many good places to eat on campus; there's a place for burgers, paninis and salads, Chick fil a, Moe's, and the school cafeteria isn't one of them. Don't get me wrong, the Pit isn't bad, but it's just not as great as the rest of the options on campus.
4. Sacrifice the Village Juice smoothies
We just got this new eating place on campus where they make amazing salads and sandwiches, but they also have Village Juice where you can get delicious, organic juices and smoothies. I seriously love these things, but they're totally overpriced. By the end of the last semester I was drinking three/week! It's a luxury I just can't afford.
5. Use the Keurig more
I've been treating myself to Starbucks almost daily, but I also have a perfectly good Keurig in my room that doesn't get the love and attention it deserves!
6. Un-bookmark Amazon and Etsy
I looove online shopping for things that I don't need on Amazon and Etsy. I always think I'm being good by going to the sale section, but even though I'm saving money on individual items, I end up spending a lot of money. I'm going to have to prioritize things that I really need over things that I really want.
7. Apply for a ton of summer internships in hopes of getting a job someday
If only it were as easy as Oprah giving away free stuff...