In college it is important to save money for future events, but every once and awhile there is that cute new outfit you just have to have. Here's how to shop more for less money.
1. Coupons! Coupons! Coupons!
Couponing isn't just saving CVS receipts and tearing deals out of the back of magazines anymore. Next time you go shopping, look up deals on your phone before you check out. Usually, you are able to find 15 percent off specific items. Moreover, some stores offer discounts for being teachers, students or members of email lists.
2. Price matching
Some companies also offer price matching guarantees. Looking online at Amazon before going into a store can help you get the company to lower the price, and going in store allows you to avoid shipping costs.
3. Go into smaller shops
Going into smaller shops can also be a great way to save money. Smaller shops are sometimes able to provide the same items as bigger companies, but with better quality. This means that the item you are buying will last longer and you will avoid re-buying.
4. Always shop sales
An obvious way to save money is to always shop the sales. Most stores' sale sections have some great buys if you take the time to dig through them.
5. Discount stores
Discount stores like Target, Marshalls, or Kohl's provide good clothes for work, school or other events more cheaply than stores like Urban Outfitters.
6. Budget beforehand
Budgeting beforehand can help you save money by not providing the opportunity to spend more than you have. Sticking to a strict budget means no overspending.
7. Shop alone
If you are trying to save money, shopping by yourself is always a good idea. Friends and family are fun to browse with but are sometimes able to convince you to buy something you do not need.
Saving money can be tough, especially when you are bored and shopping. However, making sure to only get the essentials and follow some simple money-saving steps will dramatically increase the money you have available to spend in the future.