If you see someone sick or hurt do you walk by and act as if you did not see them? Some people may, but most people instinctively want to help others in need. It does not take an extraordinary amount of compassion to help others, but a desire to be a better person by helping those that cannot help themselves.
The concept of helping others in need is not limited to just humans. One of the fastest growing social movements of our time focuses on the rights and welfare of animals Very few people have witnessed what happens "behind the scenes" on factory farms and processing plants (also called slaughterhouses). Over 400 million animals are slaughtered daily using quick and brutal "standard industry practices" well hidden from the public
Internet and social media allow information about the treatment and well-being of animals in our care to be shared instantly. This has led to controversy and scrutiny for the agriculture industry concerning what many farmers consider "standard industry practices". The belief that the agriculture industry is insistent on hiding the truth from consumers has led to more undercover investigations and covert rescue missions;
Undercover investigators can spend months working alongside workers on factory farms where they witness disturbing acts of violence against animals. Armed with evidence of animal cruelty and poor welfare conditions, activists are demanding better treatment for these gentle, defenseless creatures. These organized groups are now growing bolder in the fight to bring awareness to the well-kept secrets of these billion-dollar industries
More animal activist groups than ever before are forming and one way to get the message about inhumane treatment on factory farms is by holding vigils outside of slaughterhouses and intensive factory farms where the life of these animals end. The premise of bearing witness is seen as extreme measure by some but these forms of protest are drawing attention to the cruel and harsh treatment of millions of animals.
DxE Activists photographed conditions where the calf was rescued.https://www.plantbasednews.org/post/vegan-activists-felony-charges-remove-live-calf-dead-pile-farm
DxE volunteer, Julianne Perry, attempts to save dying calf on California Dairy Farmhttps://worldanimalnews.com/breaking-3-activists-arrested-after-trying-to-rescue-live-baby-cow-from-pile-of-dead-calves-at-northern-california-factory-farm/
These vigils or gatherings are usually peaceful, ranging from a few concerned activists to thousands. Most activists do not go on the property they are protesting, deciding to stay far enough away to avoid legal action being taken.
Earlier this week during a vigil at Ray-Mar Ranches located in California three activists decided to take matters in their own hands when they noticed a very young baby calf, still alive, thrown into what is referred to as the graveyard. During a live stream of the vigil on Facebook, concerned supporters watched the rescue of the baby unfold. Local law enforcement was contacted to help the activist get the dying calf to safety and proper medical care. The activists safely removed the baby from the large pit of carcasses and her rescuers desperately tried to help keep her alive while waiting for veterinarian care.
It didn't take long for the rescuers to realize the police officers had no intention of helping them get the animal medical treatment. After prying the baby out of the arms of pleading, crying rescuer, the calf was put on the ground where she would die. As the activists pleaded with the officers to let them get the baby medical help they were arrested on charges of felony grand theft and misdemeanor trespass despite the fact that the calf is thrown into the dead pile having no economic value.
Farmed animals such as the baby cow in this article are considered property, not living beings who deserve to be treated as such. While all states have laws dealing with animal welfare and cruelty, farm animals are not covered under these laws and offer no protection for billions of animals that are treated like a piece of property. This allows millions of animals in the meat and dairy industry to be used, abused and discarded at an alarming rate.
What will happen to the three activists who were arrested for pulling a baby cow out of the massive pit of dead bodies? California's Penal Code allows the removal of any farmed animal, no matter the estimated economic value to be considered a felony grand theft Animals activists worldwide risk their freedom, their lives and face the consequences of jail time, felony arrest records and a lifetime of having to justify their actions when they decide to save a life, regardless of what species it is.