Every October, people pink out their lives to raise breast cancer awareness. They were "boobies" bracelets or wear pink shirts that have expressions such as "Save the Tatas".
For as long as I can remember, this has always bothered me. I didn't think that people had to explicitly express their "concern" about saving women's breasts. It seemed to me that the only thing people cared to outwardly express concern for was the physical breasts themselves. Women are more than just their breasts. Even though this phrase started off to bring awareness, I know I'm not the only one who is bothered by it. I refuse to support it in any way and would much rather spend my time promoting the importance of saving women from this horrible illness. I also work hard to promote the fact that women are still beautiful with their scars in place of their breasts and with a bald head- symbolic of undergoing treatment to save their lives.
In almost twenty years of my life, I've never come across a "Save the Women" bracelet or t-shirt. I know that everyone means well when they slip on that "boobies" bracelet, but do they actually think about the women who suffer from breast cancer, the ones who have passed away, or the survivors?
Cancer is something that can happen to anyone. It does not discriminate- it can affect the young and the old, the rich and the poor, the happiest of people and the saddest. With breast cancer, early detection is vital to saving a woman's life. Learning how to check your breasts and making sure that mammograms are scheduled once a year after the age of forty are essential to detect any signs of cancer. Women, learn about your bodies. Listen to your bodies. It can save your life.
To me, the phrase "Save the women" brings more breast cancer awareness than "Save the tatas"/"boobies". The phrase "Save the women" reminds you that there is something worth fighting for. I know from personal experience that some of the worst things happen to the most amazing people. Women that suffer from breast cancer are worth the fight. They're worth the countless prayers. Most importantly, they're worth the effort in finding a cure.
So, this breast cancer awareness month, do something more. Wear your pink loud and proud and hashtag #SavetheWomen on social media. Donate to your local breast cancer institutions. Give your time and visit the sick. Go above and beyond this month. Because most of us know someone who has lived through this horrible disease. Fight for a cure. Fight to save our women.