It's October and that means many things like Halloween, "American Horror Story" starts back up, pumpkin flavored everything, and of course Breast Cancer Awareness.
One of the biggest things that stand out about Breast Cancer Awareness is the simple and very well known pink ribbon and the slogan "Save the boobies!" But my thing is..well, what about the woman that the boobies are attached to? Why is it just "save the boobies" and not "save the women"?
Seriously though. There's no reason why such a life-threatening disease that is estimated to kill about 40,000 women in 2015 alone should be sexualized. And before I go on, this is NOT an "attack on men", merely a 20-year-old woman wondering why.
And this "Don't Wear a Bra Day", what in the hell is this? No seriously. What is this? How does this help solve anything? Well the short answer is that it doesn't. It's just another form of making this life-threatening illness sexualized (still not attacking men) and I cannot bring myself to understand why.
Breast cancer in 2015 will affect more than 292,000 women in the United States alone..and we're all worried about "freeing/saving the boobs." Come on, for real?
Let's also talk about why the Breast Cancer ribbon is pink. Why is it pink? I mean, it's not like breast cancer is only limited to women or anything, men can get it too. In fact there will be about 2,300 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed in men just this year. Just throwing that out there. This is a man's disease too. Yeah, just let that sink in for a moment.
This is one of the most common modern day diseases, right next to lung cancer and heart disease and all we can do is make a big deal about boobs. Now, really think about the slogan "save the boobies." You're not just saving a pair of boobs, your saving a woman, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, a daughter, sometimes a father or a son, but most importantly you're saving a human being.
This disease should not have ever been sexualized in any way and the fact that it has been is beyond unacceptable. There needs to be a new approach to spreading awareness because "save the boobies!" seriously is just not cutting it.