With recent hype about the new Beauty and the Beast movie coming out, there has been a lot of talk and controversy on princesses for role models. Some think it's fine, but I am finding a lot more opinions that think it's an awful thing. Many people think princesses are bad role models because they spend their lives waiting for there true love to save them, and yeah while for some that is true, that is not always the case.
Ok, let's be real for a moment, the stereotypical princess is probably not the ideal role model for little impressionable girls, but that's the thing: those are just stereotypes. We live in a very diverse world today full of stereotypes which we need to look past. By stereotyping that princesses are bad role models just teaches more stereotypes.
I love how Emma Watson has put her own spin on Belle, and I don't find anything wrong with that. What I have a problem with is when people say that Emma Watson's Belle is the first real Disney princess that girls should idolize. I was watching a video on Facebook the other day comparing the new and old Belle, and all that I got from the video was that all old fashion princesses are bad.
Before I get too ahead of myself, I want to talk about why little girls need princesses in their life. I personally believe that Disney princesses help keep children pure and innocent. Today's society is full of violence and hate, and no child should ever have do deal with that at a young age. Fairy tales give children their childhood back. They encourage them to dream big and reach for the stars, which isn't a bad thing for kids to do. Why make them grow up faster than they need to? You see, princesses give children, especially little girls, a sense of hope when at times there could be none.
Girls should be able to look up to who ever they want while they are young because it is their way of figuring things out. I'm glad Emma Watson has put her own spin on Belle, but I don't regret having the old cartoon Belle to look up to.
Please stop bashing on princesses. They aren't given enough credit.