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8 Small Tasks You Can Do Now In Order To Save The Ocean

It is time to take action and start protecting the Ocean.

8 Small Tasks You Can Do Now In Order To Save The Ocean
Tyra Brown

The ocean is overwhelmingly abused every single day. Marine wildlife is slaughtered in bloody massacres, the water develops oily films and Coral Reefs are trashed. All of this due to the careless human race.

Humans are at fault for the majority of the negative disruption of the Ocean environment, however, we can still reverse our actions and save the ocean. Here are eight simple tasks that you can do in your own life that will positively impact the immense water and the creatures that live within it.

Reduce the amount of energy you use.


Reduce your carbon footprint. Walk when you can. Ride your bike. Use eco friendly appliances in your home. Take quicker showers.

Ditch the plastic.


Use reusable water bottles and try to avoid straws and plastic utensils when possible. Most importantly, reduce, reuse and recycle.

Participate in beach cleanup days.


Volunteer at beach cleanup days. Check in with your local beach and see what types of cleanup days they have to offer. If no cleanup days are scheduled, try to make one. If you do not live by a beach, you can always donate to beach cleanup organizations.

Eat sustainable seafood.


Look for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) labels when you are buying seafood. Watch which seafood restaurants you are eating at. Are they sustainable?

When on vacation, avoid Marine wildlife purchases.


Try not to buy coral jewelry, shark teeth, baby sharks, turtle shells, etc. Purchasing these items supports the industry that kills sea creatures for the use of human interest.

Avoid polluting your water at home.


Watch what you wash down the drain, especially waste.

Jump on board and join/support ocean activism groups.


Groups such as Ocean Conservancy, Ocean Preservation Society, Project AWARE, Marine Conservation Institute and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society all have a mission to conserve the ocean. If you support these groups, you automatically support the ocean.

Educate yourself about the Ocean.


Inform yourself about the ocean. The more you know, the more you can help. The ocean's future is up to you.

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