Saturday nights have a reputation for being filled with poor decisions, but more importantly... regret. For each person, Saturday nights have a different significance, and are spent doing different activities.
Age has no impact on the activities that take place on Saturday nights, personality does. Additionally, one's personality is a result of the environment in which he or she is raised. Some feel that Saturday nights should be spent with family watching a movie. Some feel that Saturday nights should be spent sleeping, some feel that there is an obligation to spend Saturday nights at a party, and others feel that schoolwork should be started or completed on Saturday nights.
One’s personality is exposed through how they choose to spend their Saturday nights, because Saturday nights are simply a result of what is thought. The people who study on Saturday nights, are motivated to do well in school. The people who routinely drink and party are those with an insecurity to enjoy life without help.
The significance of Saturday nights are that society puts an expectation of how Saturday nights should be spend for different age groups. Young millenials are taught that Saturday nights are meant to involve red solo cups and bottles of liquor. The problem with this is the pressure that comes along with how they do spend their Saturday nights. Societal pressure is a major factor in all that us young millenials do. It is challenging to be unique in a society with such little flexibility.
How each individual spends their Saturday night is their decision. If one decides to make poor decisions, they will wake up on Sunday morning with consequences. If one decides to study, they will enjoy their Sunday morning without a care about schoolwork. If one watches a scary movie, they will wake up Sunday morning from nightmares. However one spends their Saturday night is their choice.
Society should not dictate how a Saturday night should be spent. Society says that a girl should make poor decisions to impress the guy they want, and that a man should not be held accountable for their poor decisions. That should never be a worry. More importantly, there should never be an obligation to do or say something simply because society says you must.
It is a difficult thing to find yourself, especially when society constantly pressures an individual to be a normal. But, no person should ever feel like it is a necessity to spend Saturday nights in the same manner as another person.
Spend Saturday night as you please. Never feel pressured to go out with friends, or do something uncomfortable. Language exists as a form of communication. So, communicate and do not feel bad for being an individual. Spending a Saturday night differently than how society dictates is considered being an individual. And individuality is the greatest form of uniqueness.