If you haven't watched Saturday Night Live in several years, you're missing out. Somehow, the show started creating skits that were not only funny, but memorable and stand to the test of time. A large amount of credit for that goes to Kate McKinnon. Having started in 2012, McKinnon has grown as a star to the point where she was one of the four Ghostbusters in this year's remake. Here are some skits that help prove McKinnon is God.
This skit has McKinnon in character as Mrs. Rafferty, one of the recurring characters that McKinnon plays (this character appears in other skits like "Near-Death Experience"). While the other two members of the group (one of them being that week's host, Ryan Gosling) describe their alien encounter in endlessly beatific terms, Mrs. Rafferty describes her encounter as some kind of nightmare scenario. Trust me, you need to see it. It also proves one of McKinnon's gifts: while she maintains a perfect balance of unhinged and grounded, at least a few of her fellow cast members struggle to keep a straight face. The results are quite hilarious.
The outtakes aren't half-bad either. SNL's parody of Justin Bieber's Calvin Klein underwear commercials aren't just funny/exaggerated: they're pretty impressive. McKinnon does a surprisingly good job as Bieber, and it even garnered the notice of different outlets like Variety. One thing's for sure: McKinnon's skills are on point.
Continuing with McKinnon's impersonation skills, she emulates Ingrid Bergman's accent (Bergman was Swedish) and acting to deliver an "alternate ending" to the classic film. Though the skit isn't too wacky, McKinnon is always a delight to watch, and J.K. Simmons compliments her well as Humphrey Bogart. For film buffs in particular, this one is worth it.
Even when she's playing a relatively normal character, she shines. Though this skit highlights Tom Hanks in a ridiculous wig, she still leaves a mile on your face. (Bonus: it also features Leslie Jones, who also ranks as one of the top cast members on SNL today.)
Hillary Clinton
Honestly, take your pick, From the cold open of McKinnon as Clinton explaining her email controversy, Kate was set. Though some were a little more sympathetic (then again, having the person you're parodying on set can change the dynamic), and I haven't seen all of them yet, more than likely, give McKinnon the reins and she'll take control from there. McKinnon as Clinton is gold (such as the skit for the first presidential debate). I said it once on Facebook, and I'll say it again: "Perhaps the one genuinely good thing to look forward to with a Hillary Clinton presidency is four more years of Kate McKinnon on SNL."
What are your favorite skits with Kate McKinnon in them? Let me know in the comments section. Until then...as they always say, "LIVE, FROM NEW YORK, IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!"