Saturday Night Live: Season 41 Top Sketches | The Odyssey Online
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Saturday Night Live: Season 41 Top Sketches

From Hillary Clinton's bar talk to Donald Trump's dance moves.

Saturday Night Live: Season 41 Top Sketches

Saturday Night Live: Season 41 has only just begin with four hilarious episodes and a variety of featured celebrities starting the season off right. From sketches about the 2016 presidential campaign, to Taylor Swift's infamous 'Squad,' the writing this season has been funny and very current with pop culture's trending topics. This season included hosts: Miley Cyrus, Donald Trump, Tracy Morgan and even Amy Schumer and appearances from Hillary Clinton, Ivanka Trump, Larry David and Alec Baldwin. So if you have missed any of the SNL episodes this season, here are some highlights of the episodes' best sketches.

1) "Hillary Clinton Bar Talk"

Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) discusses the 2016 presidential campaign with a local bartender, Val (Hillary Clinton). This was by far the funniest sketch from the SNL season premiere!

Episode 1 : Hosted by Miley Cyrus

2) "Democratic Debate Cold Open"

A reenactment of some of the hilarious moments from the Democratic Debate, with seasoned SNL veterans, Larry David, Alec Baldwin, and current players, Kate McKinnon, Kyle Mooney, Taran Killam and Jon Rudnitsky. To see more of the memorable moments from the DEM Debate, check out my previous article:

Episode 3: Hosted by Tracy Morgan

3) "Hotline Bling Parody"

Drake (Jay Pharoah) continues his infamous dance moves in this "Hotline Bling" sketch, featuring other great dance moves from dads, teachers, and tax guys (Donald Trump).

Episode 4: Hosted by Donald Trump

4) "Live-Tweeting"

Just like with the Democratic Debate, Donald Trump gives his hilarious opinions and live ratings with stars via tweets about another sketch featured in the episode.

Episode 4: Hosted by Donald Trump

5) "Abilify for Candidates"

For candidates such as Rick Santorum (Taran Killam), Mike Huckabee (Bobby Moynihan), and nine others who believe they can be president, there's Abilify to return them to reality.

Episode 1 : Hosted by Miley Cyrus

6) "Family Feud-Extended Family"

A funny sketch about the family show Family Feud hosted by Steve Harvey (Kenan Thompson). In this "Extended Family Edition," ex-husband (Tracy Morgan), confronts former wife and kids (Leslie Jones, Jay Pharaoh, Sasheer Zamata, Michael Che), while playing alongside his current family (Cecily Strong, Vanessa Bayer, Jon Rudnitsky) in a hilarious competition.

Episode 3: Hosted by Tracy Morgan

7) "Weekend Update: Pete Davidson"

Pete Davidson, aka SNL's resident young person, gives his opinion on the 2016 presidential race, and why the idea of Donald Trump becoming president is scaring young people to actually participate in politics.

Episode 1 : Hosted by Miley Cyrus

8) "Amy Schumer Monologue"

Amy Schumer opens the show with a funny monologue about the Kardashians and how she thought at one point she was dating Bradley Cooper.

Episode 2: Hosted by Amy Schumer

So that was a quick list of highlights from the current SNL season. If you are like me and never miss an episode, then you know that this is only a small portion of the great sketches this season on the show. Are any of these sketches your favorites? Let me know in the comments below.

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