5. Cleaning your ears after a shower | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

12 Satisfying Feelings Everyone Loves but No One Will Admit to

Your guilty pleasure may just be everyone else's too.

12 Satisfying Feelings Everyone Loves but No One Will Admit to
Photo by Katy Belcher on Unsplash

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Life is full of surprises, good and bad. Each day is filled with so many simple things we don't really fully immerse ourselves in. I've been thinking about super satisfying feelings that I KNOW everyone likes, but nobody really talks about. Gross? Maybe. Personal? Sure. I'm not talking about satisfying slime and foam videos here. And if I'm totally off, then at least everyone now knows some weird shit about me.

1. Popping a pimple that's REALLY ready

Did it squirt on the mirror? That's totally cool. At least you got it out of your face.

2. Peeling off nail polish

Just get your nails done? Shellac? I'd say the best stress relief is pulling it off in one whole piece. Your brain will be incredibly satisfied.

3. Taking off jeans after wearing them ALL DAY

The only thing better than taking off jeans after living in them all day is FINALLY putting on sweatpants.

4. Letting the escalator brush hit your ankle

You know that brush running up and down the escalator by your feet? You're lying if you say you haven't stuck your foot out to touch it.

5. Cleaning your ears after a shower

I can NOT wait more than 5 minutes after a shower to clean my ears with a Q-tip. Even if I'm at someone else's house, I will rummage through drawers until I find one. This has to be my favorite on the list.

6. When you just started shaving your leg and feel the drastic difference

That first swipe of the razor reveals the opportunity for an extremely satisfying feeling. That one smooth strip of your leg sandwiched between the prickles reminds you that you need to shave much more often because it feels AMAZING. For guys, I'd imagine it's the same for your face.

7. Scratching the wax off a candle

Have you ever seen a giant candle at a store and just had the urge to scratch the wax with your nail? I wish I could say this wasn't my first instinct when I see a candle.

8. Crunching an extremely loud, layered potato chip

Whether your favorite part of the bag is the super thin chips, or the extra-rolled up layered chips, we all love the feeling of a huge crunch.. of course only when no one else is listening. If you eat chips in a quiet room, you are very brave.

9. Claiming your papers

Turning in hard copies of homework in college is almost unheard of. However, I feel incomplete if I receive a paper or handout and don't write my name in the top right corner. I guess public school taught me yet another useless habit.

10. When your sneakers squeak and you briefly become Zac Efron

I personally like the noise of squeaky sneakers."Getcha Head in the Game" instantly plays in my head, and I feel like I made the cut to be in the movie. I can literally hear the beats of the sneaker squeaks at the beginning of the song.

11. Pulling off fake eyelashes

None of us want to admit our lashes aren't naturally long and thick, but we can low-key agree that peeling them off after a long night is liberating.

12. Flipping through a paper book

Total proud nerd moment! Reading online sucks. Yes it is nice to have access to so many online sources, but I wish we still had to go to a library and dig through books to find our answers. Flipping the pages is much better than scrolling.

Watching people play with slime and cut soap is TOTALLY appealing to the eye, but don't take advantage of life's simple pleasures! Whether you agree with this list or not, I'm sure there's SOMETHING weird you're not admitting. Be more aware during your day and indulge in them, who cares what people think? Those are the people who leave pimples on their face, snot in their nose and wax in their ears.

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