Having a strong desire to travel—a.k.a. “wanderlust”—is very common. A lot of people daydream about traveling and experiencing new places, languages, and cultures, but not a lot of people get to live those dreams to the fullest. On one hand, traveling is expensive, and not many people have the spare cash for a plane ticket to Paris when they want one. On the other hand, not everyone has the time or resources to plan a proper trip or even take a spontaneous one. Some of us daydream about traveling to far-off places, but a dream is as far as we can get right now. Here are some things to cure that strong desire to travel when you have to stay where you are:
1. Google Street View
Google Street View is God’s gift to those who want to travel but can’t. This feature lets you pick pretty much any destination in the world and walk its streets and admire its beauty even if you’re stuck in your house. When I miss the places I visited on my trip to Europe, I like to take walks down the Seine River in Paris, through the streets of London, and find my favorite castles in Ireland—all from the comfort of my dorm room in Louisiana.
2. Read/watch/listen to foreign media
There is an endless amount of books, movies, and music that can transport you to other places and cultures. Whether you’d prefer foreign books published and translated in English, foreign movies and music in other languages, or books that are just set in another part of the world, these things let you experience other places and cultures in a way that’s almost as good as going there yourself. One of my favorite books in this category captures Paris in such a realistic way that when I actually went there, I kept feeling like I’d been there before. So, if there’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t been able to, head to Barnes & Noble and pick out a good book that takes place there.
3. Explore a new part of your city
Part of the itch to travel is the desire to break away from your daily routine when it feels dull and experience new things. The good news is you don’t always have to leave the country to do that. Drive around for a while, do a little research online, find an interesting part of your city you’ve never been to, and spend the day exploring. It’s a great way to enjoy the spontaneity and adventure you get from traveling when you can’t go very far.
4. Start learning a new language
Another reason we love to travel is learning about other cultures through their point of view. A great way to do this when you can’t actually go anywhere is learning a language. So much of culture is captured in language. Research shows that “cultural differences express themselves and are created via various forms of linguistic practice and discourse,” and that different cultural conceptual systems and world views are captured in the language associated with a certain culture. So, learning a language is like a key that unlocks understanding of other cultures and to being more open-minded in general.
5. Read travel books/blogs
When you’re really feeling down about not getting to travel as much as you’d like, reading travel books or blogs can be a good pick-me-up. Reading about other people’s experiences lets you share those experiences for a moment; even if you don’t get to go everywhere you’d like to right now, you can live vicariously through the stories of other people and let those stories inspire your future trips. You can also pick up some books about travel or about the places you’ve always wanted to travel to and start planning out your dream trip. Even if you don’t get to go soon, planning out a trip is still part of the fun of traveling.
6. Visit a museum
Another reason traveling is such an enriching experience is that you get to learn about the history of the places you go. It’s so much fun to learn about the stories behind ancient castles and architecture and other attractions and cultures, but you’d be surprised how much of the same kind of fun you can have right where you are. Try out a local museum and go on a tour; there’s more to your own culture and community than you think, and learning about that can be just as fascinating as those ancient castles.
7. Watch a movie in a different language
This may be the simplest of your options, but it’s also a lot of fun. For the same reasons language is such an important window into culture, watching one of your favorite movies in another language can transport you to another world. It’s a great way to experience something different when you have to stay where you are, even if you don’t speak the language (no shame in subtitles).
Although none of these things can take the place of actual travel, they are enriching experiences in themselves that provide some of the same magic you get from going abroad. So, when you think dreams of travel are all you have, remember these other ways to cure that ache for adventure.