It's a normal and human thing to want to feel happy and satisfied with whatever you do in life — I mean who really wants to live in an uncomfortable state? Nobody, that's who.
But at the same time, nearly everyone is living in a state of dissatisfaction in some aspect of their life.
I know, I know… I'm going out on a limb here by saying everyone is feeling something — and I understand I don't know you, I don't know how you're feeling so if you're offended at that, my apologies. Yet, I do honestly believe it is something a lot of people feel consistently throughout their life.
At least I know I do.
The feeling of dissatisfaction is not something that is up front and center as the main stage show in my mind, but they're more like the intermissions that are a part of every show you go to. These thoughts of dissatisfaction are seemingly hardwired into us so we can use them to reflect on what we're doing in life at that time and if it's really the best for us.
I think that these are hardwired feelings from way back when humans were in the hunter-gatherer phase of our evolutionary track. We may have survived one night, but that doesn't mean it was a good night. There would be things that could always be improved on, perhaps a dryer shelter, more food the night before. It was a feeling of wanting to be more satisfied then what they already were.
And it's that same desire to want better things, more things, grander things that makes us feel the same lack of satisfaction now that humans felt back then.