Dear other offspring of Mom and Dad,
First of all, answer my texts. I can’t believe it’s been 18 years since Mom had me and you got mad. Those 18 years sure have created an irreplaceable relationship that I enjoy so much. I have chosen to remind you of how awesome it is. You probably know that your blood relatives are always going to have a special connection with you, but this letter will help you remember why our blood bond is especially special.
When you were 2 years old, you hated the fact that there was a new face for Mom and Dad to pay attention to. We’ve both heard Mom’s amusing stories about how you refused to call me by my name. I was only "the baby" to you, and you made sure Mom and Dad knew you were still top priority. I didn’t exactly understand what the big deal was when you would fight to sit next to Dad on the couch, but since you had a taste of the good life, you were very bitter there would be no returning.
Now, living life as adults, we really haven’t changed much. I know one thing that has remained intact for 18 years is our language. One day, playing in the backyard during a hot Atlanta summer, we started changing syllables of words and invented our own version of the English language. “Kiker” was sister because all s’s were k’s, which evolved into “Id” which is short for idiot, a term of endearment in our language for no reason I can provide. Although the start was rocky, we quickly realized we were each other's greatest source of entertainment during those long hot summers and grew into the inseparable "Ids" we are today.
Although I tended to like pink tutus, sparkles and princesses more than you, we accepted our different interests. However, we both really enjoyed those Murphy’s chocolate cupcakes, which we would eat naked by the fire in the living room while dancing… and then we would probably fall asleep by the fire or under the Christmas tree with our five hundred pillows, blankets and stuffed animals. We both also loved Christmas. From fights over the gingerbread house to criticizing each other's gift-wrapping skills, every single Christmas we’ve shared was magical, memorable and merry.
I can’t describe the amount of excitement I feel to see you in approximately one hour and 53 minutes. When I get to the Big Apple, we will be reunited in our Idness, so NYC better watch out.
Lots of love and koos,
Offspring two of Mom and Dad