Dear Brother,
As we’ve grown older, we have developed into two completely different individuals. You’re what I like to describe to my friends as a hippy, while I’m probably what you would define a basic white girl. You’ve always been into music, biking, and philosophy, while I’ve always been a dancer, a runner, and someone who pays closer attention to my Instagram feed than reality. However, although we may value different things, I’ve always admired your character. Never once in your life have I seen you with a negative attitude. All the times I’ve felt down, you were there to offer words of encouragement and promise that no pain lasts forever.
When I mention to people that I have an older brother the first question they ask is if we are “close”. Even though we haven’ t been under the same roof since I was in 8th grade, because you went to boarding school and now we are both in college, my response to them is always, “yes, we are extremely close”. Over the years I’ve watched you become a person that I hope one day I can become too. I’ve always admired your confidence in being whoever it is YOU want to be and the strong passion you have towards the guitar and your music. I guess one could say that I definitely look up to you. And that’s not because you’re my older brother and I’m supposed to, but because I genuinely want to.
Now that I have completed my first semester in college I can easily confess that there is so much I have learned about myself than I ever have before. I’ve watched you thrive in environments that you know you belong to. Your self awareness and happiness has motivated me everyday to continue to find myself, and to never settle for anything less than what will help me become the best version of myself I can be.
I’m looking forward to Christmas break, as I know it will be another time for us to spend just the few days we have to truly bond and learn from each other. You’ve taught me so much thus far in my life, and I know that no matter how many days we go without speaking during the year, due to our crazy college schedules, you will always be my best friend. We’ve gone from playing pretend to the real world together and that’s something I can’t say I’ve shared with anyone else.
I’ll see you real soon.
Your Little Sister