Right around this time of the year, nearly everyone with a social media account begins professing their desires to change themselves. They want to quit drinking, lose 10 lbs, cut their hair, and move to a different state. In hindsight, all of these are beneficial or have some positive affect on the individual making changes, but at times we get too comfortable with the idea of needing to be a "new" person because of the new year.
As we enter into 2017, we should focus on aspects about ourselves that we like. We need to quit selling ourselves short with the idea that we must change with the new year in hopes that we will be better people. The fact of the matter is that yes, we all have flaws, but it is time to quit concentrating on the minor errors about ourselves and focus on the abundantly great facets of ourselves and each other.
Now I challenge you this New Year to make a list of the qualities and characters you love about yourself that you will bring into the new year with you. Sure, make your list of things you want to improve or gain but don't sell yourself short on what you already obtain. To quote Buddha, "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection".