Samcedes Was The Best Couple On Glee | The Odyssey Online
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Sam and Mercedes Were The Best Interracial Couple That 'Glee' Literally Ruined

They had so much potential.

Sam and Mercedes Were The Best Interracial Couple That 'Glee' Literally Ruined

As a core fan of FOX's controversial comedy-drama, "Glee," I'm still bitter about the show's ending. Every "gleek" I know were fans of the main relationships on the show: Finn and Rachel, Kurt and Blaine, and Brittany and Santana. For me, the true pairing on this show was ruined by the writers themselves.

I haven't discussed this with any fan, but hands down, the true pairing on "Glee" is Sam Evans and Mercedes Jones. Not to mention, it's one of the most controversial yet realistic pairings as well.

Before I explain a few reasons why these two were perfect for each other, here's how Sam and Mercedes first began.

After Sam Evans became the high school quarterback for the football team, he became a member of the glee club and began dating multiple characters, like Quinn Fabray who only used him for popularity, Santana Lopez who used him to hide her sexuality, and then there came Mercedes.

In the second season of "Glee," it was revealed that Sam's family was living in motels because his father lost his job. So, in order to afford prom, he agreed to go to prom with both Mercedes and Rachel Berry, as they all didn't have a date to go with.

Eventually, the chemistry between Sam and Mercedes became obvious at this moment.

Then in the finale, they started dating.

That started this unusual on-and-off relationship between Mercedes and Sam. Here's why they're the best couple on Glee.

They faced realistic situations.

Sam and Mercedes were the first interracial relationship on "Glee" that truly tackled conflicts INVOLVING interracial relationships. In the fifth season, Mercedes moves to New York with Sam and the two rekindle their relationship.

Mercedes was uncertain of a relationship with Sam because he's white, and personality-wise, different than she was. But, eventually, she overlooks this and admits she sees no color in a relationship.

Also, Mercedes reveals that she's a virgin, while Sam is not. Because of Mercedes' religious standpoints, she wants to wait for her first time when she gets married. Honestly, their situations were more appealing to watch because there are couples like that in the world.

They had great chemistry.

Agree with me or not, but the chemistry, romantically, vocally and emotionally, between these two is so there. Watching every scene with them together honestly makes me smile. There was something so wholesome about their relationship and how they interacted, from high school to the finale.

Funny thing is, they are the polar opposites. Sam's very quirky and somewhat awkward, while Mercedes is very sassy and honest. But, their personalities mesh well together.

They were very mature together.

Compared to the other relationships on "Glee," these two respected each other. No hard feelings involved. Sadly, because Sam respected Mercedes' decision to wait for sex, he was kissed by another woman, and immediately told her the truth, crying to her.

Usually, most relationships on the show tend to hide secrets from each other and that creates the dramatic "break-up effect." But the way Mercedes comforted him is why all relationships should be this way.

They cared for each other.

In earlier seasons, Mercedes and Sam dated until he moved back to Kentucky. After he returns, Sam tries everything to win Mercedes back—from singing to her to even helping her reach her singing dreams.

In season three, Sam records a video of Mercedes performing "Disco Inferno" (without her permission) and uploaded it to YouTube. This video alone helped her get a recording deal, thanks to Sam's support of her. Mercedes has also supported Sam and his modeling career in season five.

So, yeah, they were the dream couple that never lasted. But, as "gleeks" should know, "Glee" is known for ending relationships abruptly. The fact that this couple did not end up together, as hinted and promised, is disappointing.

The writers decided to write off Sam and Mercedes as a couple, forcing unnecessary relationships between Sam and Rachel Berry, and it never became endgame. What infuriates me is that "Glee" wrote Mercedes as someone accepting Rachel and Sam dating, instead of fighting for someone she loved.

So, honestly, was it worth ending a good relationship with great potential?

What do you guys think of Samcedes? Comment your thoughts below if you're a "gleek".

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