As we continue to grow and begin our adult lives we tend to get lost in what we want or who we want to be. I find the most guidance through lessons I have learned and seen again in Disney movies. When we were younger watching these movies we did not think deeper than it being just a source of entertainment, now that I am an adult watching these movies I am noticing the lessons that were woven into these films.
1. Don't judge people or objects by their outer appearance.
In Aladdin, the Merchant says, "Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what's outside, but what is inside that counts." This is something all people could learn from since we judge quickly based on appearances for many things such as people, animals, and objects. Aladdin truly shows just how wrong your automatic opinions can be when you judge by appearance, you never know when something good or magical will happen.
2. Surround yourself with those you support and care for you for who you are.
Belle sings, "And for once it might be grand, to have someone understand. II want so much more than they've got planned." in Beauty and the Beast. This is a huge lesson many need to realize, don't surround yourself with people who are negative or try to change who you are. You are you and that is something to celebrate, every part of what makes up who you are is something to never ignore no matter what others think.
3. Not everything in life will be positive, there will be bad times and you need to use them to your advantage.
Rafiki is a very wise character in The Lion King. He states that "Oh yes the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it," which many young adults can learn from. We are at that point in our lives where we are going to make mistakes and face negative outcomes. These are moments that we need to take in and turn into something positive, use these moments to better ourselves and our understanding of the world. Just because things in the past may not be bright and sunny does not mean they are worth remembering, they are a part of your life and you can use them to help you later on in the future.
4. Dreams change, people change, and you change.
Tangled is all about dreams and doing what you think is best to make them become true. Eugene, Flynn Rider, tells Rapunzel towards the end, "You are my new dream," after talking about money, freedom, and being somewhere far away for most of the film. We don't know what course life is taking us, who we may meet, or what could change our minds. The dreams we have now may change one day and become something completely different. Just because we change our dreams doesn't mean we failed at accomplishing our first one, it just means that something changed whether it be our ideals, influences in our lives, or even ourselves.
5. Be yourself.
The Little Mermaid is all about how Ariel changed who she was to be with Prince Eric, but Sebastian reminds her that, "You got your own style, now let it come through. And remember no matter what, you got to be you." This is one of the most important lessons I learned a while ago. Don't change yourself for someone, whether for romantic or friendship purposes. If they do not like you for who you are then they are not someone you should surround yourself with. You are you and you should celebrate that! If someone doesn't like that then they aren't worth having as a friend or romantic interest. Be you.