"Sailor Moon" is the voice of a generation, an inspiration, and an icon. If you haven't heard of her, you're missing out. And at this point, you can say that your childhood is incomplete. I'm sorry I had to be the one to break it to you.
1. She is THE original feminist icon.
She's a superhero, fighting on the side of love, and justice in a pretty sailor suit (part of her catchphrase). Was your favorite character ever like that? I think not. As a child, I know I looked up to a lot of female superheroes and I have to say none of them were ever as entertaining as Sailor Moon.
2. She says what we're all thinking.
If there are two things college kids know how to do well, its naps and food. All that time we spend in our room? We're not working on our GPA's, we're dreaming and yes, we eat in our dreams too.
3. The Cats.
I don't have a talking cat, I just have a regular cat. This means I'll never be given the ability to turn into a magical girl, and I'll never be able to talk to my cat about how much I hate it when she bites my ankles. But watching sailor moon helps me deal with my jealousy, so you should too.
4. It's a lesson in confidence.
Sailor Moon is a teenager, she is bound to have her ups and her downs but that's the lesson. Get up, brush yourself off, and keep fighting. It's reiterated throughout the entire series.
5. Again, in more confidence.
Not only in who she is as a person, but how she looks too.
6. She saves the prince.
Unlike the conventional superheroine, Sailor Moon can do it on her own. Tuxedo Mask, (creative name, right?), you can take a seat and have a drink. She's got it from here, we'll call you when we need you.
7. Because just like you, Sailor Moon fails classes too.
Yes, even superheroes fail classes and it's okay. It shows that superheroes are one of us, they aren't perfect. And like the cool kids say "C's get degrees" (that's not a recommendation, just something I hear).
8. Did I tell you she's also a princess?
She's not just fighting off evil beings and bad grades, she's also dancing in ballrooms and kissing princes. Please have respect.
9. She's not just a team leader, she's also a team member.
If you've decided that Sailor Moon is just not your type of hero, don't despair! We've got a Sailor for everyone. Trust me, there's MORE and if you're into villains, they're there too.
10. In case you haven't noticed, this show is seriously funny.
How many more reasons do you need? Go.