Safiya Nygaard has tried a lot of weird outfit ideas. She has brought a lot of attention to a lot of weird items that should not be worn in public, although she does it anyway. These are some of the crazy items that people try to sell to others.
1. Giant sock
Everyone wants to be nice and warm all the time. You can purchase it here.
2. Long sleeves
Need hands? Noy anymore with these long sleeves. It blends in perfectly with your favorite pair of jeans. You can purchase it here as well
3. Completely clear plastic outfit
The completely clear plastic sounds like a great idea until you realize that everyone can tell when you are sweating because of the condensation build up. Also, it makes a really loud sound every time you move.
4. Man- suit
If your heart desires it, you can purchase this suit here . This is a way for everyone to have their nipples out without having to worry about getting arrested.
5. Clear jeans
These are perfect for those days when you want to show off your legs without being cold. Everyone loves good leg day.
6. Ugliest shirt
ASOS created the perfect shirt for when you want to wear a tutu and wear a band shirt as well. This shirt all about your favorite made-up band with the flattering tutu added on top for that extra pop. The ASOS shirt can be purchased here.
7. Ugg/Teva hybrid
Just to let you know, these are not ankle braces and are actually a collaboration between Teva and Uggs. It has a sheepskin layer to keep you warm but exposes the foot so your feet are not too hot. You can purchase it here.
If you have not watched the series that about the most outrageous outfits created by Safiya, you should. If you are brave enough, you can always test the outfits out.