With rape culture, overdoses, and alcohol poisoning so prevalent on most college campuses, parties can take a turn for the worse real quick. Here are some tips and tricks to stay safe while still having fun and letting loose at parties.
1. Be hyper-aware of your surroundings
Constantly be looking around to see if any creeps or unwanted people are making their way across the room to you and your friends; dodging an unwanted conversation can sometimes mean dodging a night-ruiner. If you're drinking from a communal boozy punch bowl (which is not recommended), keep an eye on that bowl of punch all night. Intervene if you see somebody adding a fishy substance to the punch bowl, you might just save the whole party.
But rule #1 is to NEVER. PUT. DOWN. YOUR. DRINK. Setting down your drink - for even a couple of seconds - can give anybody the chance to slip something into it. Always be aware of what you are drinking, always keep that cup in your hand, and just try to keep your wits about you.
2. Go to the party with a plan of attack
You and your squad never want to get sidetracked at a party, and you never want to end up chilling with the wrong crowd. Walk into a party knowing exactly what y'all want to do. Make a plan like: "Okay, we'll go in, drink and dance for a little bit, play some beer pong, and be out of there by 12:30. Stay away from the pot smokers out on the deck, and don't let the shirtless guy with the fur hat sell you his shrooms."
3. Nominate a party mom
Every good squad knows to have a mom for the night when they go out to party. You and your friends can take turns being the DD/mama when you guys go out. Being the mom for the night usually entails being the DD, watching out for everyone at the parties, staying (mostly) sober, holding your friend's hair back while they throw up, keeping track of time, and making sure everyone gets home safe and tucked into bed at the end of the night.
4. Know how certain drinks affect you and your friends
Sugary drinks, caffeinated drinks, hard liquor, beer, etc., can all affect different people in different ways. When at a party, drink something that your body is used to drinking; avoid things that you know will get you sick. If you want to try a new type of booze or mixed drink, do it in the safety of your home with your friends, just in case this new drink will make you sick or extra tipsy. Also, watch out for your friends too. If you see your friend Hannah reach for a tequila shot at a party, and you know it will make her yak, intervene and tell her she can do that another time and she doesn't need to drink that in public.
5. Pick a party buddy
Sure you and your squad want to stick together at a party, but if there's 5+ of you that might not be so easy. Pick one person from your squad to stick with for the night: this person will be your dance partner, your bathroom buddy, and your pong partner at any party you guys may go to that night. Make sure your buddy doesn't disappear with a stranger because that's when trouble starts to happen.
6. You don't have to be polite
If a stranger is making you and your friends uncomfortable, you aren't obligated to talk to them. Brad from Sigma Chi can go talk to someone else about his Fortnite stats. Turn around or walk away and chat with other people. Don't feel like you have to carry on a conversation that you don't want to.
7. You don't have to drink to have a good time
It's always a good idea to take a night off from drinking every once in a while. It's good for your health and you also don't have to deal with a nasty hangover the next day. If you feel pressure to drink, carry around a sprite or water cup, and nobody will suspect a thing.
8. Be an active bystander
If you see something fishy going down at a party, even if it doesn't involve you or your friends, definitely intervene. If you see a half-conscious girl being dragged out of the room by a guy - help that girl out. Girls need to help and support other girls, and if someone is in an unsafe situation it is your job to help them out of it.
9. Make sure you eat something before going out
Drinking a partying on an empty stomach makes it so much harder to hold your alcohol. Before you hit the parties, make sure your squad hits your pantry or a drive-thru.
10. The golden rule of partying
Lastly, and once again, NEVER set down your drink. I cannot stress this enough. More than 1 in 13 college students have reported being drugged by people spiking their drinks. The easiest way to prevent unwanted circumstances is to keep an eye on your cup at all times.
Now go out this weekend and have a good time doing some safe partying!