Going into writing my article this week I knew that people would have a lot of heavy articles. So, I thought I would break it up with a little inspiration, so here we go! Last summer was a step down from the struggles I have been having this summer. I questioned my faith a lot last summer, and if I even knew what I wanted or was on the right path. Then, one day I was in the library, which never happens, and I saw a book called Live Original. After looking more at the book, I realized that I had seen the girl on the book on television before on a show called Duck Dynasty. Sadie Robertson is her name and let me tell you how fantastic she is. This girl handles life with such grace and wrote her first book in high school! That is AMAZING! When I finished this book I was astounded at all the concepts and things she had wrapped her mind around at such as young age. I mean I was nineteen when I read the book and I still had not had my mind completely wrapped my mind around these topics. On top of that I couldn't understand completely how they can forever change your aspect on life. She went into detail on what living original actually means and how to do it praising Him.
“Happiness is a choice—a choice to be joyful, no matter what the circumstance.” - Sadie Robertson
Sometimes we don't take this into our every day lives; we need to know to that is is our choice to be happy. Sadie wrote this reminding all of us that we need to make this choice. She shows this through in her life from her recent breakup to being a public figure. She makes it a choice to be happy and knows that she can live her life better for Christ. So, why can't we? We all have the opportunity to reach out to those surrounding us and make such a difference in our actions, but it all starts with our attitudes. We can all start with knowing that we are ultimately living our lives for Christ. Being yourself and working every moment to defeat temptations or poor thoughts that walk into your life is a great way to take on the challenge to live for Him.
This summer has definitely proven to challenge to me more than last summer in all aspects of life. I won't act like it has been easy to handle life with grace and let God take it in His hands. However, having her as a consistent reminder in my life to show me through different videos how bitterness can be handled and how I can choose to be happy is so uplifting and remarkable. There is such a difference when you can have a girl, who is two years younger than you, speak such wisdom and help you wrap your mind around these topics. I would encourage you to check out this Christ filled women! Whether you read her book or just her social media pages I promise you will fall in love!