It is the beginning of November, so that means midterms have come and gone and students are now preparing for finals. It is during these testing weeks where students learn what it truly means to be a college student and the sacrifices that come with the studying. For me personally this year’s sacrifice was Halloween for one of my midterms, although I was sad that I wasn't able to celebrate it, I am happy because I did well on the test. For some students, some sacrifices can be different like socially or for the holidays.
Every student, at one point in college, has had that one class that they need to work hard in order to get a B or an A in the class. During dead week and midterms week students are crowding the library in order to prepare for the exams that lie ahead. When Thanksgiving, or Chanukah, or the Christmas events come around on campus, they need to make sacrifices in order to study. I can relate to these kinds of sacrifices, because thats what I did in the Spring semester of 2016.
People who are either exercise science majors or health majors know how difficult Anatomy and Physiology can be. All the specific material you need to grasp in order to do well in the class its either all or nothing. I started off the semester with a 59%, the lowest grade I have ever gotten in a class in college. My entire semester was spent in the library through Valentine’s Day and through Easter I was in the library studying. So when people say they need to study and they work really hard I understand the struggle. After hours of studying and working hard students walk away very tired, but with their head high because they know their hard work has paid off.
Now that we are getting ready for finals students are starting to organize their notes and prepare for the countless all nighters that will happen during dead week. All nighters, coffee, lots of studying and notes sounds like the true meaning of college life. Midterms and Finals can either make or break a student and now that we are starting to approach the time when we take the last tests of semester its crunch time. Now is the time to prove that you deserve to be in college, now is the time to prove that you deserve that 4.0 GPA or any other rewarding thing that comes with hard work. Hard work pays off so work hard, make those sacrifices and come out on top.