In light of some recent events slandering my Olympic love (see: a completely fabricated story of armed robbery, oopsie) the good times of Ryan Lochte are being forgotten. Did we forget how he swam his way into gold medals as well as the hearts of all during the 2012 London Olympics? You may call him a fool, but deep down I know there's more to my man than meets the eye. Here are some of my favorite Ryan Lochte moments and qualities in honor of his incredible time in Rio.
1. He is a poet
Yes, even Olympic athletes have a way with words. Ryan is not given enough credit for his beautiful, complicated mind. He created the word "jeah" and I have quite literally never been the same.
“It’s spelled J-E-A-H. If you say it like how it’s spelled it’s ‘jee-ah.’ But, that’s boring; no one wants to hear that. So you have to really put that emphasis on that ‘J.’ And then the ‘A-H’ kinda just flows.”
2. His reality show
Robbed from an Emmy if you ask me. Only one season and eight episodes was not nearly enough for me to grasp the lifestyle of Ryan Lochte. You're telling me 19 Kids and Counting can survive but lovable Olympic star and keeper of my heart Ryan Lochte can't even get a callback for a season two? I have some choice words Lochte-style if I ever met the producer who pulled the plug on the Game of Thrones of reality television.
3. His clueless face
I mean how can you not love this face. Since he doesn't have a clue what's going on most of the time or is distracted by the dancing bananas or flying purple monkeys, we get to see this face pretty often.
4. The Rio hair
The real Slim Shady has finally stood up. God bless it and God bless America.
5. This quote that I will include with no context
“Something will pop up in my head. It could be like the weirdest thing. Like all of a sudden like I have like a jumping banana in my head. And I stop and pause. I’m like that damn jumping banana is in my head. Like, I don’t know what’s going on.”
I don't know what's going on either, Ryan. But we can figure it out together.
6. That one time our love was tested
This betrayal is almost too much to bare. But if I'm anything it's as flexible as Gabby Douglas and forgiving as the Olympics were to Russia.
7. His friendship with Michael Phelps
I wonder which one of them is Blair and who's Serena. Who's Amy and who's Tina. Who's Michael Scott and who's Dwight Shrute. Who's Lady and who's Tramp (as long as I can be the singing Italian man serenading these two dogs I don't care who's who).
8. His bravery upon getting robbed at gunpoint
"And then the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead and he said, "Get down," and I put my hands up, I was like 'whatever.'"
He is so brave. Ya know, like hypothetically. Like if it actually happened.
9. ...Aaand his ability to follow directions
Brazil tried to keep him from leaving the country for further investigation. It would've been fine I'm sure... if Ryan weren't already back in the U.S. He just HAD to see me, he couldn't wait another minute.
10. He's young at heart!
Based off of #4 on this list alone I would never guess he could be 32. But he has managed to survive this long with dancing bananas in his head AND earn fame and fortune while doing it. He will continue to surprise and confuse us for many years to come.
See? What a lovable guy. Whenever you think about his damaging, fabricated lie which has overshadowed the rest of the Olympians' accomplishments since it came to light just think of all those times he used his media coverage for good