Ruth is one of my favorite Bible characters. Her fierce passion and love for all she is surrounded by captivates me. She is brave, kind, obedient, and filled with an extraordinary amount of faith. Her story is incredibly unique in that she was simply an ordinary girl. She did not come from a high and mighty position, she was actually in quite a sad situation as she lost her husband and became a young widow without a child. It is even believed that some thought she may have been barren. She did not let this situation stop her from loving her people well, and listening to the voice of God as He spoke to her life.
Ruth did not let her past define her. A summary of what is happening in the book of Ruth is in many ways tragic. There was a vast famine spreading throughout Judah. A woman by the name of Naomi picks up and moves her husband and two sons to Moab to escape the famine. The family settled in, and the sons married. In a horrific twist of events, Naomi eventually lost her husband and two sons. Ruth, Naomi's daughter-in-law loved Naomi and was committed to sticking by her side even if Naomi was bitter and difficult. So committed that when Naomi who was deeply broken and grieving decided to move back to Judah-- Ruth who was also in an immense state of grief offered to go with her. The problem here was, Ruth was Moabite. This meant she was moving Judah as an outsider. This was a big deal for their culture as the Israelites looked down upon them. She didn't waiver though, she pressed on, and trusted God's plan. She did not let her past define her, she looked toward the future. She didn't shrink up in her pain, and stop living life like she very well could have. She was brave.
Ruth put others first. Ruth's character is what makes me admire her so much. She was going through such a storm as well as a huge transition. Yet, she put the needs of everyone else first. Naomi could not have been easy to deal with in her sense of grief, but Ruth respected and cared for her. She worked hard providing food, and keeping the house. She was a friend to Naomi when Naomi needed it most. Her love and dedication to her was such an act of servanthood. This in turn changed Naomi, and restored her bitterness toward God. Ruth's loyalty changed everything for Naomi.
Ruth had faith. Despite it all, Ruth believed God would make beauty from ashes. She was not haughty. She did not think she had earned. She simply believed that God would provide and He wouldn't leave her. God saw her faithfulness and He took a poverty stricken, widowed outsider, and made her whole. He sent Boaz to pursue her, and her life was restored.
Ruth left a legacy. A simple woman who lost it all is remembered all these years later as a servant-hearted woman of God. Ruth and Boaz's child was later in the lineage of Jesus. All because she was faithful to God. She was a friend. She was loyal. She was humble. She believed, and God wrote an incredible story out of her storm.
I write all of this to encourage not only you, but also myself to be a Ruth. To handle hard situations with grace. To commit your life fully to Him, and trust His strong hand. To be a friend to the friendless. To work hard, and not lean on self pity. To do more thanking God, than complaining to God. To not let your situation define you. To put others first. To trust the process. To believe God is still good no matter what. God sees you right where you are just like He saw Ruth. If you feel like you're in the storm just as she was, I pray you remember God is so faithful and He will bring you out stronger than ever.