The life of a Rutgers student was tragically lost this past Sunday morning. Caitlyn Kovacs, a sophomore student at Rutgers University was rushed to Robert Wood Johnson Hospital Sunday morning after appearing “to be in distress” at a small gathering with friends. She was later pronounced dead at 3:19 in the morning.
Although the exact cause of death will not be determined until an autopsy is performed, the death is suspected to be alcohol related. The autopsy will be completed by the Middlesex County Medical Examiner’s Office.
Kovacs was a 2013 graduate of South Brunswick High School. She was studying animal science as part of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. Friends describe her as always happy and a joy to be around. She will be greatly missed and condolences go out to all of her friends and family.
Message from the Chancellor: Please know that members of the Rutgers community can call CAPS (Counseling, ADAP, and Psychiatric Services) on the College Avenue Campus for counseling at 848-932-7884. A counselor is on call all day Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at the counseling center, located at 17 Senior Street in New Brunswick, for those with urgent needs. Today we will also have other counselors available from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ conference room on the 4th floor of the College Avenue Student Center. In addition, the Dean of Students office located at Bishop House on College Avenue will offer open hours today from 9:00 to 5:00 for students needing support or accommodations. Do not hesitate to take advantage of these services; we are here to help.
Story to be updated as new information develops.