I have eyes, ears, use technology and communicate with other human beings, so of course I've heard a lot about the suspected role that the Russian government played in deciding the outcome of the 2016 election. I've noticed skepticism showing up in me whenever I read something about Russia turning the election in Trump's favor, or when watching shows like Full Frontal, hearing about 'Golden Shower Gate'. Yes, the CIA has stated that, after conducting an investigation, they believe Russia to have influenced the outcome of the election. Yes, there are documents stating that the Russian government has revealing financial and personal information on Trump that could be used for blackmail. But as pointed out on shows like Full Frontal and the Daily Show, the latter documents are unofficial and unproven. And I, personally, have heard of no concrete evidence that our election was influenced by Russia.
Now, there is no denying that the incoming Trump administration has a suspect relationship with Russia. Trump is uncharacteristically friendly with Vladimir Putin, and outright requested that Russia find and release the Clinton emails to the public. Whether he's speaking out against the hacking allegations, or saying that they were "probably" behind the email hacking, he is oddly, and unnervingly cavalier. His Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, has close ties to Russia, as his company has business interests there, and he was awarded the Order of Friendship from Putin. These facts are indeed problematic; they could very well influence the Trump administration's foreign policy decisions, and could present conflicts of interest, something which, as a businessman, Trump has a lot of, what with his own business and the shares he has in various companies. It is precisely these ties that help to spark concern that the Russian government is in a position to influence our own, or already has.
But the fact that we have only the government's word that the Russian government influenced the election, without any solid evidence, makes me wonder how accurate such accusations are. The hacks perpetrated on the Democratic National Committee, revealing emails about plans to undermine Bernie Sanders' campaign in the Democratic primaries, were also quickly attributed to Russia, and it's easy to say that we have their hacking to thank for our new president. Perhaps there's truth in that, but I also think that such allegations draw concern away from a more national problem. While certainly preferable to Trump, Clinton wasn't exactly a desirable candidate either. She is almost as suspect as he is, what with her 'private and public position' remarks, as well as her shifting positions themselves. Her more progressive stance on the campaign trailer seemed more inspired by a need to appeal to millennials flocking to Sanders than any personal conviction. And certainly beyond Clinton, there are problems with the Democratic party. They are not our saviors, protecting us from the dangerous Republicans. They too are politicians, and the DNC email scandal revealed just how corrupt and conniving they can be. I say this as a registered Democrat, as someone who voted for Clinton in the general election, albeit as a way to vote against Trump.
The outcome of the election highlights issues within the Democratic (and Republican) party, issues that need to be faced and resolved. It highlights issues with politics as a whole, of the corruption inherent within it. My skepticism tells me that these are the most important issues that come to light in the wake of the election, not hacking and Russia. While our dealings with Russia are certainly worth our concern, also worth our concern is the way our own government is run, and the corruption that exists in politics. Am I being to cavalier in my opinions on the hackings? Perhaps. Perhaps I'm just going with the opinion that seems easier for me to comprehend. Perhaps I'm just inheriting these views from some of my family without really thinking them through. But the skeptic in me is saying that the election and the hackings are more about our government than that of Russia.