Before I share why rushing was the best decision of my life, let me tell you a bit about myself: I once stood out in a lightning storm wearing nothing but a suit made out of aluminum foil; I have a small tattoo of a cross right below my eye that I got done in a hotel bathroom (I'm really in-touch with my spirituality, ok?); I go to WVU and I'm undeclared despite it being my senior year (I'm waiting for the colors of the wind to tell me what to do); I'm currently in an online relationship with someone whose profile picture is a cat holding a flower because my psychic told me that love was going to enter my life, and this rando was the first person to slide into my DMs afterwards. It was love at first blurry selfie in a dark room.
But, regardless of this, joining Gamma Beta Omnicron Episilon Phi was the best decision of my life. These girls are my best friends, and not the best friends that are only around when you have food and they want some. These girls are the kind of best friends that hold your hair while you vomit in a bush; they're best friends that you eat raw cookie dough with you while you're testing out the outlet with a fork; they're best friends that have shopping cart races down incredibly steep hills because it's the only way they can feel alive. These ladies are first class, as seen by their very obvious infinity sign tramp stamps.
I'd be in a bad place without my ΓΒΟΕΦ sisters. I'd wear matching socks every day. I'd be arriving to places on time and turning in assignments as soon as they're due. I wouldn't participate in any shopping cart races or drink an entire bottle of Jack Daniels in under 5 minutes. I would have a planner. Do I look like a person who has a planner and keeps track of things? I can barely keep track of the various fire hazards in my sketchy-but-very-expensive apartment.
Yes, I may have a history of touching electric fences, eating too much paste, and lighting the house on fire, but, out of all the decisions I've made, this was the best. Rushing has improved my life so much, and yours will be, too. I don't eat so much paste anymore. If you're interested in joining ΓΒΟΕΦ, send a carrier pigeon and hope it gets paste all of the flying snakes in our yard, or come to our informational meeting next Tuesday night. There will be plenty of free raw cookie dough and under-cooked meat for you to enjoy! Just watch out for various shopping cart races happening around the area.