For as long as I can remember I've been the slowest runner ever. I was always picked last for everything we ever did in gym and always was "it" when we played tag. To say that I hated running as a kid is an understatement. Well, I'm an adult now and STILL hate running. But I know it's good for me so I unfortunately do it sometimes to stay in shape.
Here's 11 things I think all of us who hate running can agree on.
1. "How long am I supposed to do this for? I don't think I can go for much longer."
Five minutes of running can feel like 45 for somebody who hates running as much me.
2. "I had no idea I was this out of shape."
Now I'm reminded of how hard it is to get back in shape.
3. "I have never needed water so badly in my life. Water! Water!"
Water has never tasted as decadent as it does after a run.
4. "How do people do this for fun?"
The fact that people can run for 26 miles in a single day blows my mind and physically makes my calves hurt just thinking about it.
5. "My legs are actually on fire. They are burning. I am dying."
I may be dying now, but the nap I'm about to have after this run is going to be pretty freaking good.
6. "I really forgot how much I sweat."
I really didn't remember how much sweat my body was capable of producing in such a short amount of time.
7. "And I forgot how much I hate sweating."
"I am seriously bathing in my own sweat."
8. "Wow! I also forgot how bad I smell."
Yet another reason to try to avoid sweating.
9. "I've definitely been running for at least two miles by now."
*Checks Fitbit* It's been less than a mile....
10. "I'm definitely going to have a six-pack after all this running."
Yeah, that's definitely not how it works. But a girl can dream, right?
11. "I can't wait to take the best nap in the world after this."
Napping after running may be the only thing I like about running.