I have always
been the one looking for an escape. I always run away from my troubles and
shove them in the past instead of taking them straight on…and I have finally
accepted it and grown to love my stubbornness because it has made me who I am today.
When life
changes or things get tough, I simply run from it. Not always literally, but metaphorically too. I have been told that I cannot
run away from all my troubles, and I need to face my fears -- but here’s the
thing, I’m not running because I’m scared. I am running because I need it. I do
not let myself dwell on problems or the past, instead, I move onward. I do not
look back. If that means moving five hours away or taking a last minute trip
across the country, then so be it. I was not put here to stay in one spot and
be upset about things that I cannot change. I quit jobs, I push people away,
and cut off connections. Why? Because my body craves it. I crave new
adventures and new people and happiness for my soul. I find my happiness in
running away and trying different things. I realize I have truly hurt people in
my adventures, and that some of these people just do not understand what’s
going through my mind as I pack up my things and tear off the rearview mirror. My heart
aches for those people, as they do not understand my wandering soul. Why dwell
on these things we cannot change? Why dwell on heartache or lost friendship? If
it can be fixed, fix it. If it can not be fixed, move on and find something
else amazing out there. When you run you find so much more than you left behind. I learn more, feel more and experience more. Some things are not meant to be changed,
and personally I believe it's OK to burn some bridges on the way while you’re
finding yourself and exploring the world around you. I am so thankful to be this way because it has molded me into a more bold human who loves new things and is no longer afraid of change and growth. I do not run because I am weak, I run because I accept change and know that the opportunities of the world are endless.
I am a free spirit and I will not apologize for it.