As one can imagine, high school athletics coming to an end was awful for me. At our volleyball banquet, I held back tears as our coach handed out our awards and closed our season for the last time. As I watched the time tick away from my final high school basketball game, I looked down at my jersey in disbelief that the next time it was pulled out it's storage container, I wouldn't be the one getting ready to put it on. I was so excited to graduate and go to college, but I knew it would feel weird to no longer have athletics play such a big role in my life.
That's when I found running.
Well, really, I didn't find it. My friend Meghan did.
At the end of May 2015, Meghan asked me to run the Nationwide Children's Hospital Half Marathon with her in Columbus, Ohio. I was scared I wouldn't be able to run a good time, but I agreed to run it with her anyway. I knew we would have fun together and that it would help benefit children who were sick in the hospital.
We started training together that June, and I realized quickly that deciding to run the half marathon was one of the best decisions I had ever made for myself.
Just as I thought I would, I missed athletics. I missed the morning volleyball summer leagues and the afternoon basketball open gyms. However, running twice a week with Meghan made me miss them a little less. I was still working toward a goal, like you do when you are on an athletic team, so I felt like I was being productive. I also was able to see that I did have the ability to run 13.1 miles, which was really cool.
On race day that October, both of us were nervous and it was really cold. When they released our corral to begin running, I was so excited. The Nationwide Children's Hospital Half Marathon is a cool race in that there are spectators throughout the whole course, so people are always cheering you on. This helps a lot when you are at mile 7 and have no idea how you are going to make it all the way to 13.1.
Once we finished racing and had our medals in our hands, we were so proud of ourselves. We had finally completed something we had trained so hard for.
Running has given me a friendship, confidence, memories, and a couple of really cool medals. I am so happy Meghan asked me to run that first race with her, as running 13.1 in Columbus twice now is something I am very proud of.
So, go run 13.1. You won't regret it.
If you would like to participate in the half or full marathon next year in Columbus, above is the link to register!