My business was born out of a midnight letter making session and margaritas.
A sister and I were making letters in her apartment one night and I commented that we should make a business out of this. We made letters for a few sisters in our sorority and a few fraternity brothers. We were good at it; she did the sewing and I did the prep work.
We laughed at the idea for a few moments before the possibility that this idea could work set in. Around the table we were quiet before we began tenaciously brainstorming our business while we finished the set of letters we were working on. Soon the idea seemed more plausible and then we were looking into outlets to use to promote our business.
Like many young entrepreneurs we turned to the internet to set up our business.
Within a few days we had a Facebook page up and were making order sheets, invoices, and logos for our business: Hannah's Boutique.
We went to Walmart and bought stickers that we could print out logo on and packaging that we could use to deliver the shirts that people ordered.
Orders were slowly starting to trickle in and we were eagerly cutting, pairing, and sewing our way to a legitimate business. Soon we were keeping books, enhancing our Facebook page, and reaching out to people around our campus. Before we knew it the business started to matriculate to something that we could see helping us in college. We weren’t pulling in huge monthly profits but it was enough to give us some spending money as well as some added pride.
The hardest thing about starting a business in college is definitely managing time. But it gives you something to be proud of because not only are you studying for a future career but you’re also building business. This business gives you pride because it’s your baby, something that you’re juggling along with all your classes, clubs, and social activities. Not only does it make you better at time management but it also puts your time into perspective.
You start to manage your time better and see what is actually worth your time. It makes you mature and forces you to get organized which in college is something you’re going to need.