Not five, not three, but four ways to have the run of your life. Five is for champions, three is for slackers, four is for you! Running can be an invigorating, yet boring task. If you're sick and tired of the same old routine, I've got the answer for you. From personal experience and great knowledge on the topic, I've compiled a list that will help you accomplish a run you'll never forget.
1. Drink
The night before is super important to ensure you have a fantastic run. Make sure you drink a ton. Not water, because water is for losers. Start the night with a Sam Adams Boston Lager, then a gin and tonic, then another Boston Lager, then another gin and tonic, then... I'm getting tired.
2. Eat
Many runners talk about carbohydrate loading the evening before. I'm here to tell you that's all wrong. The secret food group is fiber—a ton of fiber the morning of your run. Great examples include a huge bowl of high fiber cereal, a glass of milk, and a bowl of cherries. If you're not ready to explode from both ends, you're doing it wrong.
3. Forecast? For what?
Many runners take the time to check the weather forecast before going for a run. I say boo-urns to that! Don't waste your time checking the weather. If the weather is bad, I'm sure God would let you know. He's all-powerful; I'm sure he'd give you a spidey sense or something to warn you about the weather.
4. Tell a friend!
Facebook live. Instagram story. Tweet. Tell someone about the best run of your life. Trust me! They'll thank you and probably never forget.