As we start into the third week of school I feel like this article is needed in our lives. I can't speak for everyone, but I have already reached the point in the semester where my homework schedule is crazy. I feel like I am spending every minute I'm not in class doing homework. I know for upperclassman this feels normal but can still be overwhelming. As for freshman, this is all new to you. I wish I could say that it gets easier as you continue but it doesn't. I have more homework now than I ever did as a freshman. So here are some rules on how to successfully complete all your assignments without dying.
Rule 1: Get a planner.
I can't say this enough. I live in my planner and I still get overwhelmed. You will use it way more than you think
Rule 2: Organize your planner.
Clearly rule one and two go together. Use different colored pens and stickers. Make it your own. I have my planner detailed by the hour but not everyone is that organized.
Rule 3: Use your planner.
This should be obvious but you would be surprised. Plenty of people start the year off with the perfect planner and then forget to use it. Don't be that person.
Rule 4: Don't assume the deadlines.
This is a rookie mistake yet I still do it sometimes. Read the syllabus. Write down every single deadline. Even small things like responding to discussion boards. Write it down.
Rule 5: Work ahead.
I try to stay ahead on my homework. It helps me not feel as rushed so I can spend more time on the harder assignments.
Rule 6: Make to-do lists.
Always make daily to-do lists. I make one every day after class. If you think of something you need to do while out doing something, put it in your phone, or if you're like me, write it on your arm. Just don't forget.
Rule 7: Cut out distractions.
If you keep getting distracted you'll never get anything done in a timely manner. Put your phone away. Do homework in a quiet place. If there is anything that might distract you, stay away from it.
Rule 8: Take breaks.
Don't overdo it. I feel like I go brain dead every time I do homework because I always forget to take breaks. Don't burn yourself out. Five to ten minute breaks are ideal.
Rule 9: Sleep. A lot.
College kids run on naps. If you haven't figured that out yet then you will soon. It's the only way I survive. It also gives your brain a break from all the homework you've been doing.
Rule 10: Bring snacks and a phone charger to all your study/homework sessions.
Seriously. You will thank me for this one. Never forget those two things. They make a huge difference.
Rule 11: It's okay to cry.
Homework has made me cry before. It will probably make me cry again sometime soon. It's just a thing that happens.
Rule 12: Find something to help you deal with the outrageous level of stress you have.
I write. My roommate paints and draws. Whatever relaxes you, do it a lot. You will be surprised just how much it helps you.
I hope these rules help you survive all of the homework you have and are going to have. College is supposed to be fun but I know just how stressful it can be. You eventually learn how to deal with it a little better. Just hang in there and always remember these rules. I guess I better get back to homework now. Good luck!