1. Open the door for her
Wait, are there men that don't do this?
2. Let her walk through the door first
How could you hold the door if you walked through it first?
3. Walk her to her car/door
You don't "Drop-Off", turn the car off and walk her there.
4. Give up your jacket
Who cares if it's cold? It will really make a statement if you gave her your coat.
5. Give up your seat
By no means should you never be sitting if she is standing?
6. Sit after she sits
Because you want to make sure she is comfortable first.
7. Compliment her
If she took two hours to get ready, or even if she didn't..... let her know you like how she looks.
8. Never hit a woman
I do not care the circumstances... DON'T DO IT!
9. Pump her gas
Nothing is more frustrating to see a female pumping gas and a perfectly healthy male sitting in the passenger seat.
10. Ask her father for her hand in marriage
This is the GOLDEN RULE a rule that should be followed at all costs, If the father has passed away, ask the nearest of kin. You will be better respected for it.