Whether it is your first year of school or your fifteenth, the feelings before your first day never change. There is an anticipation that is unmatched by almost any event, and of course an underlying stream of nerves. Most nerves can be avoided, however, if one is simply well-prepared. Follow these steps to preparation and your first day of school will be the best one yet:
1. Fill out your planner ahead of time
Becoming familiar with your schedule before the first day of school will always help it to go more smoothly. Block out times for your classes, extracurriculars, and studying. Get into the habit of writing down what you have to do and staying organized and disciplined when it comes to your schedule. That way, nothing will slip through the cracks.
2. Pick out your outfit the night before
Avoid the stress of picking out your back to school outfit when you are frazzled and tired in the morning. Instead, pick it out before hand. Iron or steam it if you need to. Hang it up with accessories so getting ready in the morning is an absolute breeze.
3. Get a good night's sleep
Nothing is less impressive than the student who walks into class at the last minute and spends the entire period trying to avoid falling asleep. While your professors probably don't have anything life changing to say on the very first day of class, make a good impression by being attentive and alert.
4. Show up early
You don't want to be the student who awkwardly walks in with the professor, or who gets there only to find that all of the good seats are taken and you are forced to sit in the back corner by the hot sunny window. Get there early, but not too early. You don't want to be the first one sitting in the classroom.
5. Set some goals
What classes are you taking this semester? What challenges lie ahead? Take some time to think about what you want the accomplish in the next several months, and how you are going to accomplish it. Look at what is expected of you on your first day, and build from there.