Sometimes movies surprise you and teach you some excellent things. Zombieland, a comedic post-zombie movie, gave us so many rules on how to escape and survive a zombie-filled world, but it seems like the most important lesson is that sometimes you have to follow "Rule 32":
"You gotta enjoy the little things."
It is something so small yet, it can impact anybody's life. Sometimes, life is rough, and sometimes we need to indulge on the little things.
As cliché as it sounds, little things in life make life better than anything in the world. Something as small as smiling or laughing until your sides hurt makes you have a better day. The world is tough sometimes, and some people think that you need to have something big make you feel happy. Little things can make any moment a little bit better. The feeling of just feeling good is something that nobody can ever replace or ever take away from you. Life and being happy is created by yourself and sometimes you just need to open your mind to being happy.
Being happy and relaxing, especially in times of stress and times of busyness, seems hard or unable to reach. Sitting back, maybe taking a nap or just taking it easy for a little while can make your day a little bit better. Sometimes, taking a breath and just realizing how lucky you are to have things in your world, can make you happy. You'll realize the little things might make life big. Anything can be a little thing: eating your favorite food, talking to someone to take away some stress of a busy day or even just taking a walk on the beach.
The little things mean more than they seem. Looking over it all, we all don't remember the little things in the world. The things that impact us and make us enjoy the little things will somehow surprise us in the end.
Always follow Rule 32: Always enjoy the little things.