As a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, it is no secret that I am a sucker for chick flicks and romance novel-- even the cheesy Hallmark ones. This also translates into my enduring belief that one day I'll find "the one," not because I need a man to thrive in life but because everything is easier with a partner in crime. I know, though, that when I give my heart to people, I give it wholly, so I keep myself from getting involved in relationships unless I see the potential for a future. Despite this, I struggle fiercely with the desire to have that kind of emotional connectedness to someone during the fall. There are a few main issues that come with being single as the temperatures drop and the leaves paint their fiery mural across the land.
Your hands are cold, but you have no one to hold them.
Yes, I always have corpse hands, but the temperature cooling off does nothing to alleviate this issue. Couple my annoyingly chilly appendages with the ever present image of cute couples linking hands as they cross the quad or walk through stores, and you can get why I may want my own hand holding partner. Still, it's kind of strange to hold hands with friends, especially when those friends are male and you are in no way involved. As a result, I reserve this luxury for when I am in a relationship and simply watch longingly as those lovely young couples carry on about their day.
At the end of a long day of classes or tests, you want nothing more than to cuddle up and watch TV or a movie.
But no. I am solo, so instead I clutch my ice cream to my chest while I cry to some sappy rom-com. It's okay. Plenty of us have been there. At least that's what I tell myself as I go for another bite.
You can't take the cliche pumpkin patch/haunted house/outdoor fall pics that grace your happily coupled friends' social media pages.
To all of you who can post cute MCMs or pictures on your boyfriend's shoulders as you pick apples: you suck. Not really, but I'm definitely jealous. Your relationship seems so comfy in your cardigan-clad, Instagram-filtered picture that I can't help but to want that kind of comfortable relationship for myself. I am happy you have one, but I'd like one too. Rip.
Who are you supposed to hug during haunted houses or scary movies?
We all know I jump through the roof. Someone's gotta be there in my moment of terror.
Are you dating anyone yet?
I can't say that my family members bother me about this much, but I have friends whose relatives do, and that sounds like the stuff of nightmares. "Thank you for your interest in my love life, but no. I'm single. Is that pumpkin pie that Aunt Linda just brought out? Gotta go. Bye."
Still, at the end of the day, I know I am doing myself a favor by waiting for someone I can truly invest in. I deserve the kind of guy who asks when I'll be home when I'm having a bad day, has me text when I'm on my way and is waiting by the door to comfort me. I may want these fall "#RelationshipGoals", but I know there's no point in forcing anything. Someday, the man of my dreams will find his way into my life. Until then, I'll be hanging out eating ice cream by myself and calming myself after fall scares.